Designer philosophy & Profile
◆Designer Philosophy & Profile
Clothing isn’t something that you just wrap around your body. You envelop your life, mind and soul in it. That is the way we think about fashion. In ancient Japan, clothing was an occupation and supporting force for the inner workings of the mind. We want to cherish and preserve this style of thinking. We express this invisible support through our brand motif and design each piece of clothing hoping that those who pick them up and wear them can feel that invisible supporting force of nature and that they are enveloped in comfort. The Japanese words Naritachi (History) and Shikumi (Structure) refer to something pointing to a blending of the sounds of nature to be accepted as teaching toward people. The sounds combined created these words. We believe that we should use them in accordance with the cycle of nature because they refer to the natural world we are surrounded by. If we were to put the teachings into Japanese terms, they would be Seihan No Shinwa and Awase Kasanari Junkan. In ancient Japan, they were expressed in the word Kodama and are teachings hidden in the natural world and natural phenomena and are expressed in our language. This is why language is necessary to discipline the mind.
We design and create our motif based on this philosophy.
In our designs, we focus on…
- Seihan No Shinwa: the idea of the balance of + and -.
- Awase Kasanari Junkan: coming face to face and mingling in a natural cycle.
(There is no concept of good or bad in Seihan No Shinwa; it is an acceptance of the differences and a cycle in which they come face to face and mingle, creating harmony.)
- Ten, En (Rin), and Uzumaki are invisible forces that cause things to occur before we can sense them. They are not living beings, but arise from all natural phenomena in the natural world (things, time, the mind, life…)
They are an expression of invisible forces when they transform into natural phenomena.
Yamato Designでは、それらを踏まえてデザインやモチーフを表現しています。
Our logo is designed from something that points to the meaning of sound.
YA: Stability in all areas
MA: Differentation of the history of nature
TO: The next step in the process beyond utmost limits, fusion.
SOUZOU x Design: The idea that designs the process of creating through discipline.
大和(ヤマト)創造(ソウゾウ) Yamato Design(ヤマト デザイン)
創造×Design = 鍛錬し創造していく姿(道)の様子(過程)をデザインされていく思念。
◆Production Story
Today, few Japanese craftsmen retain ancient thinking in their trade.
In modern Japan, greater emphasis is on low cost and mass-produced rather than tradition and high quality. As a result, mind, skill and ideas are cut out and traditional beauty is lost.
We strive to capture in our designs the traditional thinking of the Japanese people and cherish the idea of reverence for nature, its cycle and people from the deepest place in the heart that cannot be expressed in words or seen by the eyes.
We feel that the time has come where good Japanese quality and natural materials are fused, the idea of fashion and the mind cross borders and overcome the mind, and create a beautiful style.
日本古代の考えが、日本工芸品や職人さんの手法として日本に少々残っています。 特に近年の日本の生産の場合、『伝統』的で高質なモノよりもコスト中心に動いており、よって『心』『技術』『アイディア』は削ぎ落され“本来の美しさ”が壊れてきている様に思えます。
◆Design story
Although our designs are simple and traditional Japanese designs, we can express many things through various materials born through Japanese arts. Although these items are jackets and coats, we believe these styles can blend with beautiful brands around the world.
Just a few hundred years ago in Japan, Japanese created original outfits by combining many layers of clothing.
They felt they could express themselves and their minds by combining these clothing.
Moreover, it was possible to combine many layers of clothing through a breaking down of feelings and being encouraged.
We’ve incorporated the long sleeves of Japanese kimono in these pieces.
Our fashion requires slow movement (consideration), dignity, high-class manners and beautiful posture.
We demand beauty in all of our actions, the way we talk, and our gestures.
These pieces can be combined with and worn over anything. However, you must be beautiful in your actions.